The Stichting for STEAM seeks to accomplish its purposes through the following primary functions:
- Organizing, collaborating in and running training workshops or programs in different areas of TEAM, especially postgraduate training.
- Encouraging, supporting, collaborating in or organising and running workshops, conferences or symposia focussing on research in different areas of TEAM. Soliciting financial, technical or other support for such events.
- Encouraging and organising interdisciplinary communication in TEAM, e.g. bringing together the disciplines of anthropology, medical anthropology, sociology, linguistics, sinology, medicine, the medical sciences, clinicians from the different areas of TEAM, etc.
- Consulting with researchers in the above diverse areas.
- Involving the Stichting and/or encouraging the involvement of others in research in the field of TEAM.
- Developing research proposals, strategies and grants for scientific and clinical research in the different areas of TEAM. Soliciting financial, technical or other support for such projects.
- Publishing, promoting or assisting in the publication of academic and scholarly written materials in the field of TEAM, especially conference, symposia, and workshop proceedings, position papers and technical papers.
An overall important task is the coordination of research efforts from various areas of research, the aligning of research agendas and the development of more strategical approaches to the problems of studying and investigating TEAM.