Understanding Generic Singulair

Generic Singulair, also known as Montelukast, is a prescription medication used to prevent and manage symptoms of asthma and allergies. It’s an oral leukotriene receptor antagonist that effectively prevents the contraction of airway muscles and reduces inflammation in the lungs. This medication does not provide immediate relief from an asthma attack but is instrumental in reducing the frequency and severity of exacerbations.

Benefits of Generic Singulair

One of the major advantages of Generic Singulair is that it is available at a relatively lower cost compared to the brand-name drug, Singulair. This makes it a preferred choice for many patients, especially those who require long-term medication. It has also proven to be as effective and safe as the branded version, benefiting a wide range of patients suffering from asthma and allergies.

Pack Size Average Cost
30 tablets $9.00 – $12.00
60 tablets $18.00 – $24.00
90 tablets $27.00 – $36.00

Considerations when using Generic Singulair

Before starting on Generic Singulair, it’s important that patients disclose their medical history to their healthcare provider. Although it’s typically well-tolerated, there are rare cases of side effects such as mood changes, suicidal thoughts, or sleep disorders among others. Patients should seek immediate medical attention if experiencing such side effects. It is also not recommended for sudden asthma attacks. A quick-relief inhaler should preferably be used in such situations.

The Availability of Generic Singulair

Generic Singulair is readily available in most pharmacies around the world. It is also often sold over online platforms with suitable prescriptions. When purchasing, it’s crucial for patients to verify the credibility of the seller to avoid counterfeit medications which could be detrimental to one’s health.

Generic Singulair and Health Insurance

Most health insurance plans do cover the cost of generic drugs, including Generic Singulair. However, the coverage differs significantly from one insurance provider to another. Therefore, patients are recommended to check with their insurance provider regarding the extent of coverage for Generic Singulair.